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Electric Stimulation (EMS & TENS)
Chad’s Continued Electric Stimulation Notes 2015-17 and Onward
Electric Stimulation for RSD / CRPS (Chad’s Review)
My Continued Electric Stimulation Headache Data
EMS, High-Frequency Fatigue and Pain, Particularly Headaches & Back Pain
Carbonized Rubber Electrodes Best for EMS & TENS
TENS, More Electric Stimulation is Better than Less
TENS Electrodes Work Best Over Muscle or Soft Tissue
Electroacupuncture and Motor Points
Notes from My Year of Electric Muscle Stimulation
Electrical Stimulation for Paraplegia (Good News and Bad)
Electrical Stimulation for Aerobics
Exercise Won’t Selectively Activate the VMO but Electric Stimulation Will
Electric Stim to Prevent DVTs After Total Hip Replacement
EMS Effects the Brain as well as Muscles
Electric Stimulation and Plantar Fasciitis
Electric Muscle Stimulation for Athletes
Fibromyalgia Pain Decreased 30% with TENS and Exercise
Fibromyalgia Improved Immediatley with TENS
Central Sensitization and Chronic Pain
Greater EMS Rate Causes Greater Blood Flow with Peripheral Artery Disease
Electric Stimulation and Peripheral Vascular Disease
Electric Muscle Stimulation Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis
EMS Increases Circulation and Function with Severe PVD
Electric Stimulation Increases Capillary Number and Oxygenation in Peripheral Vascular Disease
Electric Stimulation for Intermittent Claudication
Electrical Stimulation to Treat Cluster Headaches
Migraine Headache Prevention with TENS (Cefaly Effectiveness Study)
Safety and Satisfaction of Cefaly (Headband TENS) for Headaches
Migraine Headaches, Electric Stimulation and Paresthesia Concordancy
EMS Decreases Pain, Numbness, Burning, and Improves Sleep with Neuropathy
Electric Muscle Stimulation Better than TENS for Neuropathy
Electric Stimulation Complementary with Drug Treatment for Neuropathy
Electric Stimulation Decreases/Eliminates Painful Neuropathy
EMS Better than TENS for Pain
Electric Stimulation Increases Strength and Decreases Pain in Patients with Osteoarthritis
Electric Muscle Stimulation Prevents Atrophy after Total Knee Replacement
Physical Therapy after Total Knee Arthoplasty: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Causes a Significant Boost in Quadriceps Strength
Physical Therapy and EMS after Total Knee Arthoplasty: More Current = More Muscle
Electric Muscle Stimulation Well Tolerated by Patients at Sufficient Intensities to Strengthen Muscle after Total Knee Replacement
Cluster Headaches and Migraines, What I Am Learning from the Surgically Implanted Electrical Stimulation Studies.
Electric Stimulation for Headaches, Migraines (My Results)
Electric Muscle Stimulation BEFORE Total Knee Replacement Improves Outcomes
Electric Muscle Stimulation for Strength, How to Make It Work.
Physical Therapy and EMS: Restores Activation, Strength 1 Year Post TKA
EMS Decreases Back Pain, Increases Core Strength, Endurance
Balance/Fall Prevention
Chad Physical Therapy Blog
Eating Disorders
Elbow Pain/Injuries
Electric Stimulation (EMS & TENS)
Foot & Ankle Pain/Injuries
Hamstring and other Muscle Strains
Hip Pain/Injuries
Intermittent Claudication
Intermittent Fasting (IF)
Knee Pain/Injuries
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain/Injuries
Neurological Conditions
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia
Pain/Chronic Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Questionable Treatments
Running Injuries
Shoulder Pain/Injuries
Supplements and Drugs
Weight Loss