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About SpineFITyoga


SpineFitYoga Intention

The Dual (plus) Purpose of SpineFitYoga

FIRST, SpineFitYoga was designed so that anyone could do it at home. Why? As a physical therapist, I was blogging about spine pain, including the pros and cons of different treatments. Although I intended my blog to be read locally, the questions I got usually came from people around the world who needed help but could not make it to my office. A common remark was that my treatment approach made sense but was not available where people lived. And a common complaint was that the physical therapy they were getting was actually making them worse. Moreover, anyone lucky enough to have access to and time to visit well-equipped gyms could follow my routines and get better. But if folks didn’t have a great gym and time to go — and most didn’t — I wasn’t much help. Thus, I needed to create a therapeutic exercise program as good as my weights; efficient, progressive, total body that could be implemented at home by anyone. 

SECOND, SpineFitYoga was designed to stay true to the original aim of yoga. I always thought yoga (as commonly taught) was problematic with regards to neck and back pain. Although I was not wrong, back in the day I did not appreciate yoga as anything more than exercise. Then a friend suggested I read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (whom you might know as being just as central to yoga as Moses is to Judaism). I was introduced to yoga as a philosophy or way of life that had ZERO to do with stretching or contorting one’s body. Rather, yoga asanas, or postures, were simply a comfortable position from which to meditate. Indeed, physical strength was repeatedly praised in the sutras while flexibility wasn’t even mentioned. Later asanas developed mostly to increase strength and health as an aid to meditation, but these came centuries down the line and not late enough to benefit from what sport science had learned about physical exercise.  

So, SpineFitYoga is my way of bringing these two pieces together. It’s a way of making accessible, progressable, and affordable the most modern practice of exercise and rehabilitation for neck and back pain. At the same time, its physical rigorousness furthers yoga’s original aim of optimizing health and wellness in the service of one’s mental faculties. Overall, my hope is that more people will begin or keep up with yoga so that they can follow its philosophy and lifestyle, making the world a nicer place. Yoga itself literally means “to yoke,” and that’s exactly what SpineFitYoga does. 


Eliminating SPINE PAIN is the primary focus, but with that, a LOT comes free

How SpineFitYoga Works

SpineFitYoga works because it is an INTEGRATED SOLUTION for a MULTIFACTORIAL PROBLEM. 

First, SpineFitYoga works by raising awareness as to what causes spine pain. This removes the mystery, and thus helps you to consciously minimize damaging stresses, allowing the body opportunity to heal. If you are wondering what is causing your neck and back pain, with about 90-95% certainty, this is what’s causing your neck and back pain.

Second, SpineFitYoga works by increasing fitness in a spine-safe way. Strength, endurance, and flexibility are all very important. However, if chosen exercises overstress the spine, you still end up working cross purposes, Anyone with neck or back pain who joins a gym or yoga class hearing that core strength and mobility is good, only to have their pain worsen is proof of that.

Third, SpineFitYoga works by improving self discipline. Knowing in theory what causes spine pain doesn’t do you any good if you won’t develop habits like putting a pillow behind your back when you sit, adjust the position of your car seat, holding your smartphone up higher, and learning to look down more with your eyes than with your neck. With exercise discipline goes both ways. You need to be disciplined to do enough, but you also need to know when to stop if your body is indicating that it needs to. As Goethe put it, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”

Curative factors

Awareness (knowing what hurts/helps)
Fitness (strength, endurance, coordination)
Self Discipline (it only works if you change your habits

Pain scale


Once begun the above factors work together synergistically. The awareness and application of good spine biomechanics rests the spine during the day, so we feel better when we start to exercise. The right exercises increasing strength and let us practice good biomechanics. Strong core muscles braces and protect the spine, while strong hips, legs, shoulders and arms then do the bulk of active work again minimizing damaging stress on vertebral discs and ligaments. The increased fitness makes every movement in life easier and practiced coordinated movements eventually become habit. Discipline to do the right moves improves when we feel it working, thus we gain confidence. Just like fitness, discipline has been shown to improve with practice. And once we’ve got it up, we keep it up with SpineFitYoga progressing from rehabilitative type exercise early on, to an intense and efficient total body workout making the body fit and attractive while continually reinforcing good spine habits that reduce the risk for reinjury. It’s much like wearing a seat belt; annoying at first, but soon becomes automatic so you just don’t think about it, and eventually you feel weird if you don’t do it. So to recap as awareness, fitness, and discipline increase, neck and back pain decrease. 

Affordable by Intent

  • Full year access for less than a typical copay.
  • Lifetime for less than a weeks therapy
  • Unlike most therapy, actually works.

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